Daily Snapshot I

Daily Snapshot is a new feature, possibly, on Healthy Strides – it's part photo dump, part day in the life, part what I ate. Enjoy!

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a) Another day, another 5 a.m. run. Tuesday's workout called for 3 x 1 mile at tempo pace w/0.25-mile recovery. I'm shooting for 8:30-8:35 on these but it was dark and I couldn't see my watch and I don't have a lap button ... and yeah. The first one was around 8:15 and the following splits were in the 8:35 range but included the recovery. A complete surprise! Bonus: I set a mile PR, according to Strava. I guess being too tired to realize that running fast hurts is a good thing.

b) Si is creeping on his 10-month birthday, and I'm gearing up to transition him to a big boy eating plan. (Read: I am THIS READY to be done breast feeding.) I nurse him when he wakes up and then shove him in the high chair and toss a banana on the tray.  He enjoys it, and I can make my breakfast and drink coffee. Please note Miles in the background. He is staring at himself making funny faces in the front mirror.

c) God love Si but oh, is he fierce and an expert tantrum thrower. He will cry and scream as if he's dying. Pick him up and he's fine. Le sigh.

d) If you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed me using the hashtag #project366 (leap year, y'all). The goal is to take a picture of the boys every day in the same spot (when possible) so I can show how much they grew in 2016. On Tuesday, Miles had a dress-down day and insisted on the overalls. It was too cute.

e) I was recently afforded the opportunity to try out the Green Blender service – think Blue Apron meets smoothies. I plan to talk about it more in an upcoming post but I was really surprised by Tuesday's smoothie. It was called Pineapple Power, and it had pineapple, grapes, baby kale, snow peas and sancha inchil. I had tried a green smoothie years ago and was not a fan, and I have avoided them since. But, for the sake of blogging, I tried this and I am glad I did.

f) I had Coconut Pork Curry over quinoa. #thatisall

g) I'm still maintaining my Believe journal, 99 percent of the time updating it while I pump.

h) I saw this last night and so much yes.

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