Dear Runner's World {August issues}

I've changed since becoming a mother. There's the obvious things: sleeping less, jiggling more, all the crying.

And there's the obvious things. Just ask my running friends or the people in the front row of my group ex classes.

I've gone from a girl who bought a size small sports bra, not caring about support, to someone strapping on a 34D in the hopes that the girls will stay put. So it was with great interest that I read the "Real Bra-Vado" story in your most recent issue. (Ironically, I turned the page to this story as I was pumping. No joke.)

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The image associated with the headline and intro featured three women who were chosen, more than likely, based on a directive to be diverse. The image was striking in its beauty and determination. At first, I was impressed to see a plus-size model. Well done, RW. First there was the story about being "fat and fit" (your words, not mine) and now a shapely girl modeling a sports bra.

Except she wasn't wearing a sports bra. It was a tank. It covered her belly, came down to her hips. The other girls ... well, they didn't have shirts on and the bras hit at the heart line. Flat bellies for days!

Still, I tried not to be annoyed. I didn't want to get all hormonal and ragey while I was trying to enjoy my 15 minutes of solitude.

I quickly flipped past the A/B page (no use getting excited about things that will not be useful for the next few months) and waffled on the C/D selections. I'm definitely a D, even after a good feeding.

My blonde beauty, as I've now claimed her, was with the D/DD picks for best bra. She was modeling a style that confounded me – a ladder back sports bra. I can't even get on my Moving Comfort Fiona without hooking it in the front and scooting it around before pulling up the straps. There's no way that I'd manage to get a bra with multiple elastic straps across the back over my head, down my shoulders and flat on my back. Nope. Not going to happen.

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But the style is not my issue. I am agitated that this model, the one I called a blonde beauty, is never shown face-on with a sports bra. She's covered up in a tank or shown from behind. Sure, maybe people don't want to see that. I certainly don't want to see myself in just my Juno right now (so sorry so honest) but if you were going to act that way, why not find a big busted lady who has a smaller wasist.

Wait. WAIT! I almost forgot. The other models were runners and my girl ... well, she does a walk/"jog." JOG. JOG! As much as we preach that no matter the pace we are all runners, you called her a jogger.

For future reference, your copy desk might want to think a little more critically next time.

All the best,

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