I nodded my head enthusiastically. "Heck, no!" I thought. "I have fun planning out my fuel for the marathon." But, as I looked around the room at the seminar hosted by my provider, "Perspectives on Childbirth," I didn't see many others in fervent agreement. I might have seen more looks of bewilderment than understanding, actually.
Was I the only marathoner there? Or was I missing running so much that I welcomed any mention of a distance race?
Regardless, the references to labor being like a marathon were many that day. We needed the right gear. We needed to hydrate and fuel well. We would hit a wall but could break through. Most of all, we needed to stay focused and positive.
The approach to the childbirth from my midwives and doctor helped me make sense of everything and feel more confident about my decision to not only pursue a TOLAC/VBAC but a natural birth. It's also making it easier for me to prepare for the whole she-bang.
Take my hospital bag. Now that I'm 35 weeks, it's recommended that I'm packed and ready to go.
Here's how I've applied race day advice to packing.
Don't wear the race shirt
Advice: Once admitted, hospitals like to give you the standard issue gown – the one that's open in the back for all to see. One of the midwives recommended bringing our own nightgown, one that is crack out, to encourage walking during labor.
What I'm bringing: A $10 Walmart nightgown that I took to the hospital for Miles' birth. I had intended it for post-birth then but it's big enough to accommodate my belly now. And, since I've worn it over the past four years, I know it won't chafe :)
Don't forget the throw-away clothes
Advice: There's a lot of time spent milling around the start line before the race begins. You should be warm and comfortable but, at the same time, not wear anything you feel attached to. More than likely, it's going to be left at the line never to be used again.
What I'm bringing: Slipper socks and a knee-length jersey robe. I bought both for Miles' birth and though they are comfy, they cost less than $10 total at Walmart. If things get on them, throwing them away won't keep me up at night.
Hydrate well
Advice: Labor is a physically demanding process, and it is paramount that a woman be well hydrated – just like for a marathon. However, many doctors will restrict what a woman can eat and drink after being admitted. "Nothing by mouth" is often the rule. However, my practice does allow us to eat and drink, and they stressed that consuming liquids by mouth – especially those with calories – will help keep up energy levels.
What I'm bringing: Nuun. Obviously. It's not calorie dense but I know it does well on my stomach and I like to drink it before, during and after a workout. I also like it just because. I ordered a four-pack of Fruit Punch and grabbed a new water bottle just for my hospital bag. It's my "birthing Nuun," a label that makes Mark roll with laughter.
Fuel properly
Advice: On the same lines as drinking, you need calories during labor to keep up energy so you can push. Furthermore, some researchers have concluded that not maintaining nutrition can be detrimental to the mother.
They further stated that nutritional deprivation causes maternal distress, an unbalanced nutritional status, and increased pain in labor. Current study results indicate nutritional deprivation did not ensure low stomach residue or acidity, and when combined with the decreased use of general anesthesia in modern obstetrics, the concern for aspiration risk does not provide a sound basis for the implementation of withholding food or fluid from the woman in labor. {Source}
My practice advised us to eat a meal when labor starts, something that will taste good but not upset our stomachs, and to bring easily digested snacks to the hospital. One midwife suggested M&Ms, pretzels, applesauce, nutrition bars and eggs.
What I'm bringing: I don't eat eggs before a race – with good reason – and so I won't be eating them during labor. I'm bringing candy orange slices, gummy bears and some nutrition bars. The hospital also has a snack station for dads, and I fully intend to raid it for myself.
Post-race comfort
Advice: Who wants to mill around in sweaty race clothes after an event? Not me. Hence, the necessity to check a bag. The leader of our hospital tour on Saturday told us that the only thing we really needed to bring to the hospital, clothing wise, was something to wear home. There are gowns available that accommodate breast feeding, she added.
What I'm bringing: I'm not so into the paper blue look so I'm bringing teenie-bopper "yoga" pants ($3 clearance at Walmart) and nursing tanks.
Other essentials
Advice: Bring everything, bring nothing. I've read minimal lists and 10-page ones, as well. The practice offered no real suggestions.
What I'm bringing: Bikini, if I decide to get in the whirlpool to labor; coming home outfit for baby boy; phone charger; NAAWK lip balm and lotion, for the dry hospital; hair ties; toiletries; trash bag to sit on in the car; copies of my birth plan; and a good attitude.
For the mamas out there, what else should I bring?
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