Governor Scott Walker Proclaims October as Cheese Month

Finally, we have an important issue that politicians in the State of Wisconsin can agree on. Today (this is breaking news, people), Governor Scott Walker proclaimed October as official "Cheese Month" in the State of Wisconsin. And here's the certificate to prove it:

The proclamation comes courtesy of the fabulous Patty Peterson at Larry's Market in Brown Deer, Wisconsin, who in August, wrote the governor's office, asking him to join the American Cheese Society in declaring October as American Cheese Month. "I think this is a natural fit for Wisconsin with our rich dairy heritage and wonderful new cheese artisans and entrepreneurs," Patty wrote in her request. You go, girl.

The request was then funneled to Bob Nenno, Proclamation Director (I didn't know we even had a Proclamation Director), and after consideration from Bob and his supervisor, the Governor approved the designation. This afternoon, his staff sent Patty an email with a copy of the document. The original is set to be mailed next week.

According to Dorothy Moore, Executive Assistant to Governor Scott Walker, the "governor loves cheese."

So there you have it, folks. October is officially "Cheese Month" in Wisconsin. Party on.

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